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The Tuck-Newman-Evans Fellowships

Ernest O. Tuck, who died at the age of 69 after a heroic battle with cancer, was one of the leading applied mathematicians in the field of hydrodynamics and its applications to water waves.  He participated in many international conferences and meetings, including the first IWWWFB in 1986.  The focus of the IWWWFB corresponds closely to his research interests, and he was a frequent participant at subsequent meetings held in Europe, the USA, and Asia.  Read a biographical note.  More information regarding his career is available on the University of Adelaide website.

Before his untimely death, several of Ernie Tuck’s colleagues and friends decided to establish a travelling fellowship in his honour, to support participation at international conferences by students and younger research workers.  After consulting with Ernie to ascertain his preferences, it was decided to associate this fellowship with the IWWWFB. The Tuck Fellowship is awarded on an annual basis, in an amount sufficient to cover the expenses to participate in the IWWWFB.

Tuck Fellowship Recipients

The Tuck Fellowship Fund is administered by the School of Mathematics at The University of Adelaide.  Major support has been provided by the Australian Mathematical Society and by its ANZIAM Division, in which Tuck was very active. Additional contributions to the Fund are being solicited from Tuck's friends and colleagues.

Instructions for making donations

Eligibility for the Tuck Fellowship is restricted to students who are currently registered in appropriate university research degree programs and to young researchers who have completed such a degree within the 3 years prior to application. Applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered at the discretion of the IWWWFB Selection Committee. Selection will be made by the IWWWFB Selection Committee, based on the quality and originality of the extended abstract. Special consideration will be given to applications from University of Adelaide students or researchers. 

At the 39th workshop in Dundee Scotland, the IWWWFB Steering Committee decided to expand the Tuck Fellowship to include an additional award: The Profs. J.N. Newman and D.V. Evans Fellowships in honor of the founders of the Workshop. Applicants to the Tuck Fellowship are automatically considered for this award which provides free registration to the two runners-up to the Tuck Fellowship award. This award is funded by the local workshop hosts.

Further details regarding applications and the award procedure


Professor Ernie Tuck

©2007 IWWWFB