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Instructions for Applications and Award Procedures

The Tuck Fellowship is intended to support participation in the IWWWFB by a student or young researcher. All normal requirements for IWWWFB participants must be followed, including submission of an extended abstract following the instructions. In addition to the abstract, applicants should submit a letter (no more than 500 words in length) including a brief description of the applicant’s background, age and a budget of travel and registration expenses to participate in the IWWWFB. (Details of the registration fees and deadline for submitting abstracts are normally announced by the host organization several months before the deadline. The registration fee usually includes the cost of lodging and meals during the Workshop.) In the event of joint authorship of the abstract, the accompanying letter should explain the role of the applicant in performing the research, writing the abstract, and presenting the work at the Workshop if it is accepted.

View abstract submission instructions

Eligibility for the Tuck Fellowship is restricted to those students who are currently registered in appropriate university research degree programs and to young researchers who have completed such a degree within the 3 years prior to application. Applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered at the discretion of the IWWWFB Selection Committee. Special consideration will be given to applications from University of Adelaide students or researchers.

Selection of the recipient will be made by the IWWWFB Selection Committee which reviews the abstracts and selects the participants in the Workshop each year. Their decision will be based on the quality and originality of the submitted abstract, and on the background information contained in the accompanying letter. The Selection Committee will recommend the recipient, and the amount of the award, to the School of Mathematics at The University of Adelaide. A second alternate candidate may also be recommended in the event that the first selected recipient is not able to attend.

Upon receipt of an invoice from the IWWWFB host organisation for the amount awarded for The Tuck Fellowship, this amount will be transferred to the host organization by the University of Adelaide. The host organisation will be responsible for transferring the balance to the recipient after the standard workshop registration fee is deducted.

The School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide will report to the IWWWFB from time to time and preferably annually on the balance remaining in The Tuck Fellowship Fund.


Professor Ernie Tuck

©2007 IWWWFB