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General Instructions for Authors Submitting Abstracts

The technical program of each Workshop is based upon concise talks which should be similar in style to seminars and colloquia, except that background information which is well-known by specialists working in the same field should be omitted. Work which is still incomplete may be presented, but material already published and widely disseminated should not be reported.

Specific instructions for each Workshop are sent by the host/organizer to an email distribution list that is updated each year. Usually the first announcement is made in September or October, and the deadline for submitting abstracts is in January. Details vary from year to year. The following is intended to provide general guidelines, but the specific instructions sent for each Workshop take precedence in all cases.

Each speaker presents a concise talk of twenty minutes, followed by a five minute discussion period. In addition to established experts in the field, younger workers and Ph.D. students are encouraged to participate. To preserve an atmosphere conducive to informal discussion, attendance is limited to the authors of accepted papers and session chair-persons.

Submitted Abstracts are reviewed for acceptance by a small committee which includes the host/organizers of the current and past two Workshops. Abstracts should be a maximum of 4 pages in length. Abstracts should be prepared in Adobe PDF Format, and sent as attached files to the email address that is designated each year. Both the page limit of 4 pages, and also the specified deadline for submitting abstracts, are strictly enforced. The host/organizer and the review committee have a heavy work load. Please do not add to their burden by requesting exceptions to these limits and deadlines.

It is the policy of the Workshop that only one presentation should be made by any one participant. Prospective participants are encouraged to submit only one abstract as the first author. Abstracts published on this website are those that have been presented in the form of a talk at the Workshops. Abstracts may only be presented by the first author or a co-author.

Color graphics are useful in some cases, and will be preserved in the PDF files online. Only bold colors should be used, suitable for black-and-white reproduction in the hardcopy of the Proceedings. Special attention should be given to the resolution and size of the PDF files during preparation. In general these files should be between 100 and 500 Kb. Under no circumstances should they exceed 1Mb.

Recommendations for the presentations at the Workshop: The information shown on each slide is an important part of the presentation. Speakers should ensure that (1) the text and figures are sufficiently large and clear to be seen in the back of the room, and (2) each slide is shown for a sufficient time so that the audience can read and understand it.

©2007 IWWWFB