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17-20 April 2011
Athens, Greece
 Local IWWWFB Site
Hosts: Dr. Ioannis Chatjigeorgiou and Prof. Spyros A. Mavrakos
Adcock, A.A.T. & Taylor, P.H. On the non-linear evolution of directionally spread wave-groups
Babarit, A. & Ferrant, P. Investigation on the radiation and diffraction forces of a bulging tube
Bingham, H. B. & Christiansen, T.B. High-order finite difference solution of the Euler equations for nonlinear waves
Bunnik, T. & Toxopeus, S. On the modeling of passing ship effects
Chapchap, A. C., Chen, Y., Temarel, P. & Hirdaris, S. Investigation of geometric nonlinear potential flow effects on free surface flows
Chen, X.B., Duan, W.Y. & Liu, H.X. Dissipation effect in potential flows of fairly perfect fluid
Chen, Y.G., Price, W.G. & Temarel, P. An anti-diffusive VOF method for simulation of free surface wave over a bump
Crowley, S. & Porter, R. Optimal screen arrangements for a tuned liquid damper
De, S. & Mandal, B.N. Transmission of water waves through apertures in a pair of thin vertical barriers
Dessi, D. Energy and damping analysis of the wet-modes of an elastic floating structure
Edmund, D.O., Maki, K.J. & Beck, R.F. An improved viscous / inviscid velocity decomposition method
Evans, D.V. & Newman, J.N. A wave energy converter with an internal water tank
Faltinsen, O.M. Hydrodynamic aspects of a floating fish farm with circular collar
Greco, M., Colicchio, G. & Lugni, C. Development of a 3D Domain-Decomposition strategy for violent head-sea wave-vessel interactions: Challenges
Grue, J. Damping of oscillatory body-motion at large forward speed
Hu, C., Liao, K & Duan, W. FDM-FEM Coupled Method for Simulation of Interaction between Free Surface and Elastic Structure
Iafrati, A. Energy dissipation mechanisms in wave breaking processes
Kashiwagi, M., Sasakawa, T. & Wakabayashi, T. Hydrodynamic Consideration on Added Resistance and Ship-generated Unsteady Waves
Khabakhpasheva, T.I. & Korobkin, A.A. Fluid impact onto a corrugated panel with trapped gas cavity
Kim, T-Y., Kim, Y. & Park, D-M. Study on the occurrence of parametric roll in bichromatic waves
Kimmoun, O., Molin, B. & Oikonomidou, H. Wave-drift force on a rectangular barge by a vertical wall
Korobkin, A.A. Semi-analytical approach in Generalized Wagner Model
Kristiansen, T. & Faltinsen, O.M Gap resonances analyzed by a domain-decomposition method
Kwon, S.H., Park, C.W., Lee, S.H., Shin, J.Y., Choi, Y.M., Chung, J.Y. & Isshiki, H. Deformation of Free Surface Due to a Water Droplet Impact
Liu, S. & Papanikolaou, A. Application of Chimera grid concept to simulation of the free-surface boundary condition
Malenica, S., Bigot, F., Chen, X.B. & Bralic, S. Global hydroelastic model for LNG ships
Mavrakos, S.A., Chatjigeorgiou, I.K., Mazarakos, T.P., Konispoliatis, D. & Maron, A. Hydrodynamic forces and wave run-up on concentric vertical cylinders forming piston-like arrangements
Molin, B., Kimmoun, O. & Remy, F. Slow-drift excitation in varying bathymetry
Montiel, F., Bonnefoy, F., Bennetts, L.G., Squire, V.A., Ferrant, P. & Marsault, P. Experimental validation of a linear numarical model for the water wave scattering by a compliant floating disk
Morgan, G.C.J. & Zang, J. Application of Open FOAM to Coastal and Offshore Modelling
Mortola, G., Incecik, A., Turan, O. & Hirdaris, S. Large amplitude motions and loads using a non-linear 2D approach
Noblesse, F., Delhommeau, G., Huang, F. & Yang, C. Short gravity waves due to a steadily-advancing ship hull
Peter, M.A. & Meylan, M.H. Band structures and band gaps in water-wave scattering by periodic lattices of arbitrary bodies
Porter, R. Cloaking of a cylinder in waves
Ramachandran, G.K.V., Bredmose, H., Sorensen, J.N. & Jensen, J.J. Response of a TLP floating wind turbine subjected to combined wind and wave loading
Read, R.W. & Bingham, H.B. Linear wave-structure interaction using overset grids
Reinhard, M., Korobkin, A. & Cooker, M.J. Elastic plate impact onto water at high horizontal speed
Senjanovic, I., Hadzic, N., Tomic, M., Malenica, S. On consistency of actual restoring stiffness formulations in hydroelastic analysis of marine structures
Seo, M-G & Kim, Y. Effects of ship motion on ship maneuvering in waves
Shao, Y-L. & Faltinsen, O.M. Numerical Study of the Second-Order Wave Loads on a Ship with Forward Speed
Shen, J. & Qin, H.D. Tank Green function with partial reflections from side walls
Sturova, I.V. The influence of the ice cover on the uniform motion of a submerged sphere
Teng, B. & Yang, M.D. Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Analysis for Waves and a Moored Platform in Time Domain
Toledo, Y. Two-dimensional deterministic and stochastic evolution equations for shoaling of nonlinear waves
Van Nuffel, D., Vepa, K.S., De Baere, I., Degrieck, J., Derouck, J. & Van Paepegem, W. Parameters affecting the pressure measurment on the surface of a rigid cylindrical body during water slamming impact
Vepa, K.S., Van Nuffel, D. & Van Paepegem, W. Pressure predictions during water entry of a 2D rigid cylinder using SPH method
Vicente, P.C., , Falcao, A.F.de O. & Justino, P.A.P. Slack-chain mooring configuration analysis of a floating wave energy converter
Williams, T.D., Meylan, M.H. & Peter, M. Wave Forcing of Submerged Elastic Plates
Wolgamot, H., Eatock Taylor, R., Taylor, P.H. & Fitzgerald, C.J. The interaction factor for wave power in arrays
Yeung, R.W., Makasyeyev, M.V. & Matte, C. On Wave Elevations Under a Moving Pressure Distribution in Minimum -Resistance Conditions
Yoon, B.S. & Semenov, Y.A. Asymmetric impact of a two-dimensional liquid colomn
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