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29 March-1 April 1998
Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
Host: A.J. Hermans (Delft University of Technology)
Angell, T.S., Hsiao, G.C., Kleinman, R.E. and Miloh, T. On minimizing wave resistance or drag
Bingham, H.B. Computing the Green function for linear wave-body interaction
Buchmann, B., Ferrant, P. and Skourup, J. Runup on a Body in Waves and Current. Fully Non-Linear and Finite Order Calculations
Bunnik, T.H.J. and Hermans, A.J. Stability analysis for the 3D unsteady free-surface condition with raised panels
Chen, X.-B. and Noblesse, F. Super Green functions for generic dispersive waves
Clement, A.H. Computation of impulse response function using differential properties of the time-domain Green function
Cramer, H., Bertram, V. and Thiart, G. A fully 3-d Rankine method for ship seakeeping
Danmeier, D. Multiple-body simulations using a higher-order panel code
Faltinsen, O.M. and Zhao, R. Water entry of a wedge into a channel
Fontaine, E. and M.P. Tulin On the generation of wave free oscillatory bodies and of trapped modes
Grilli, S.T. and Hu, Z. Modeling of instabilities of oil containment systems by a vortex sheet method
Huseby, M. and Grue, J. An experimental investigation of higher harmonic forces on a vertical cylinder in long waves
Indejtchev, D. and Mochalova, Yu. Trapped modes in wave channel with an elastic plate on the bottom
Iwashita, H. Influence, of the steady flow in seakeeping of a blunt ship through the free-surface condition
Kagemoto, H. Wave decay characteristics along a long array of cylindrical legs
Kalske, S. Unsteady bow wave field and added resistance of ships in short waves
Kashiwagi, M. A new direct method for calculating hydroelastic deflection of a very large floating structure in waves
Khabakhpasheva, T.I. and Korobkin, A.A. One-side inequalities in the problem of wave impact
Kim, Y. and Sclavounos, P.D. A finite-depth unified theory of ship motion
Landrini, M., Oshri, O., Waseda, T. and Tulin, M.P. Long time evolution of gravity wave systems
Levi, C., Welch, S., Fontaine, E. and Tulin, M.P. Experiments on the ringing response of an elastic cylinder in breaking wave groups
Linton, C.M. Rapidly convergent representations for free-surface Green's functions
Ma, Q.W., Wu, G.X. and Eatock Taylor, R. Numerical simulation of sloshing waves in a 3D tank
Matos, V.L.F., Simos, A.N. and Aranha, J.A.P. Geometric synthesis of 2D submerged bodies
McIver, M. Uniqueness, trapped modes and the cut-off frequency
McIver, P. On the completeness of eigenfunction expansions in water-wave problems
Molin, B. and Stassen, Y. A procedure to remove secularity in third-order numerical wave tanks
Motygin,O. and Kuznetsov, N. Non-uniqueness in the water-wave problem: an example violating the inside John condition
Moulijn, J. Added resistance of surface effect ships
Newman, J.N. Hydrodynamic analysis of the McIver toriod
Ohkusu, M. and Nanba, Y. Some problems of hydroelastic behaviour of a floating thin plate in shallow water wave
Palm, E. and Grue, J. On the wave field due to a moving two-dimensional, submerged body oscillating near the critical frequency
Porter, R. and Evans, D.V. Prediction of resonances due to waves interacting with finite linear arrays of cylinders
Raven, H.C. and Prins, H.J. Wave pattern analysis applied to nonlinear ship wave calculations
Scolan, Y.-M. and Malenica, S. Experimental and numerical second order diffracted waves around an array of 4 cylinders
Subramani, A.K., Beck, R.F. and Schultz, W.W. Suppression of wave-breaking in nonlinear water wave computations
Takagi, K. Water waves beneath a floating elastic plate
Tromans, P.S. and Suastika, I. K. Spectral response surfaces, designer waves and the ringing of offshore structures
Tyvand, P.A. Free-surface evolution at the edge of an impulsively upwelling fluid layer
Ursell, F. On the validity of multipole expansions
Utsunomiya, T. and Eatock Taylor, R. Analogies for resonances in wave diffraction problems
van 't Veer, R. Experimental validation of a Rankine panel method
Webster, W.C. and Zhang, X. A waterfall springing from unsteady flow over an uneven bottom
Westhuis, J.-H. and Andonowati Applying the finite element method in numerically solving the two dimensional free-surface water wave equations
Wood, D.J. and Peregrine, D.H. Pressure-impulse theory for water wave impact on a structure with trapped air
Zhang, S., Lin, W.-M., Weems, K. and Yue, D.K.P. A hybrid boundary-element method for non-wall-sided bodies with or without forward speed
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