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Instructions for Submitting Information and Proceedings to the IWWWFB Webmaster

Updating the IWWWFB web site will be greatly facilitated if the following procedures are followed.

Information about Future Workshops should be sent to the webmaster to update the home page. Details of the dates, location, and host/organizer should be provided for the next Workshop. Subsequent Workshops can be listed, assuming they are fairly certain. Generally this update will be made following the annual meeting of the organizing committee.

The Host/Organizer of each Workshop is responsible for transmitting the Proceedings to the Webmaster. This should include separate PDF files for (1) Introduction, (2) each abstract, and (3) Discussions. The following filenames should be used for these files:

Here MM is the number of the Workshop and NN is the number of each abstract, listed in alphabetic order of the first author's surname. The Introduction should include some or all of the first pages of the Proceedings, including the cover page. The Discussions may be sent later, when the transcripts are completed, so that the other files can be posted promptly. In addition it is necessary to prepare a `Table of Contents' to provide the appropriate links and list for the web. This should be a three-column Excel .xls file, with authors' names in column 1, title in column 2, and filenames in column 3. A sample file of the information from IWWWFB25 can be downloaded here.

It is very useful to record the minutes of the annual meetings of past, present and future hosts, and to post these minutes on the Administration/Minutes page. Please refer to the minutes of IWWWFB21 for guidance. The minutes should be submitted to the webmaster, as soon as possible after each meeting, in .pdf format.

For the most efficient way to transfer your files, please contact

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